Guide/Service Animal Policy
Buttercup will not refuse entry to guide/service animals. Please note that therapy animals are not considered the same as guide/service animals.
DEFINITION: A guide/service animal is trained to assist a person with a disability, meeting the qualifications set by regulations. These animals must wear a service animal harness or jacket.
Upon entering Buttercup Cafe, the handler must provide identification that verifies the certification of the guide/service animal.
Staff are not permitted to inquire about the training of the guide/service animal but may ask what specific tasks it will perform.
The handler is solely responsible for the care and control of the animal while in Buttercup Cafe.
Staff should not touch, pet, speak to, distract, startle, feed, interfere with, or care for the animal without first obtaining consent from the handler.
If there is any contact with the animal, hand hygiene must be performed.
Please note that no other animals are allowed in Buttercup Cafe.
**Buttercup reserves the right to make other rules and fees in our own judgement from time to time for everyone’s safety. Buttercup also reserves the right to vacate client/party at any time due to unfriendly behavior and risk to other clients, customers, and staff. We ask that everyone please respect the rules, so that the business can run smoothly.
If there are any questions about this topic, please feel free to contact use at